Welcome to Bill of life Board Game


The bill of life board game is a board that is very educational and fun to play. The board game shows how the United States congress passes a bill and the process that it takes to make the bill into a law. The game contains vocabulary which it is use to play the game and are part of the terms that goes into passing and making a law. The game can be played by 3-6 players, which the players can be playing at once. The game also contains a dice and a game piece to represent the players. the game will start by one  player rolling a dice and landing on a side of the board game that allow them to move on by moving their game piece to the place the dice landed. After the first player puts his or her game piece on the game another player will pick up a vocabulary card and ask the player to answer a question on the card. if the player being ask the question get it right he or she can roll the dice again move their game piece until he or she get it wrong and allow another player to get in the game by rolling a dice and answering a question from the vocabulary card. the first player to get to the end part of the game board will be pronounce winner and being able to pass their bill and into a law.


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